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Local Quantum Physics Crossroads
An international platform for information exchange among scientists working on
mathematical, conceptual, and constructive problems in
local relativistic quantum physics (LQP).
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Explicit harmonic and spectral analysis in Bianchi I-VII type cosmologies
Zhirayr Avetisyan
Rainer Verch
December 26, 2012
QFT on curved spacetimes
open access link
Class. Quantum Grav. 30 (2013) 155006
An algebraic formulation of causality for noncommutative geometry
Nicolas Franco
Michał Eckstein
December 20, 2012
noncommutative geometry
lorentzian spectral triples
open access link
Class. Quantum Grav. 30 135007 (2013)
Asymptotic Analysis of a Non-Linear Non-Local Integro-Differential Equation Arising from Bosonic Quantum Field Dynamics
Sébastien Breteaux
December 19, 2012
open access link
Nonlinear Differential Equations and Applications NoDEA
A unified mode decomposition method for physical fields in homogeneous cosmology
Zhirayr Avetisyan
December 11, 2012
open access link
Rev. Math. Phys., 26, 1430001 (2014) [60 pages]
Unruh Effect and the Concept of Temperature
Detlev Buchholz
Christoph Solveen
December 11, 2012
Unruh effect
thermal quantum field theory
thermal states
open access link
Class. Quantum Grav. 30 (2013) 085011
Nonlinear Wightman fields
Peter Morgan
December 06, 2012
Wightman QFT
open access link
article file
Electromagnetism, local covariance, the Aharonov-Bohm effect and Gauss' law
Ko Sanders
Claudio Dappiaggi
Thomas-Paul Hack
November 27, 2012
QFT on curved spacetimes
locally covariant QFT
open access link
Commun.Math.Phys.328: 625-667, 2014
Presheaves of superselection structures in curved spacetimes
Ezio Vasselli
November 08, 2012
Superselection Theory
QFT on curved spacetimes
open access link
Comm.Math.Phys. 335 (2015) 895-933
Local Thermal Equilibrium and KMS states in Curved Spacetime
Christoph Solveen
November 02, 2012
local thermal equilibrium
QFT on curved spacetimes
open access link
Class. Quantum Grav. 29 (2012) 245015
BOOK: Spectral Theory and Quantum Mechanics with an introduction to the Algebraic Formulation
Valter Moretti
October 26, 2012
functional analysis
spectral theory
operartor algebras
Springer UNITEXT SBN 978-88-470-2834-0
article file
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