Jan Schlemmer
I am interested in problems of quantum field theories on curved spacetimes - in particular states in such theories - and questions concerning constructive problems of relativistic quantum field theory - in particular algebraic constructive methods (see page by Gandalf Lechner for more information). In both fields I am interested in thermal aspects; for generic curved spacetimes this necessarily means questions of local equilibrium, in more specialized situations and for self-interacting qfts also global equilibrium states are of interest.
Thermal equilibrium states for quantum fields on non-commutative spacetimes
Gandalf Lechner, Jan Schlemmer open access link
The current density in quantum electrodynamics in external potentials
Jan Schlemmer, Jochen Zahn open access link Annals of Physics 359 (2015), pp. 31-45
On the equivalence of two deformation schemes in quantum field theory
Gandalf Lechner, Jan Schlemmer, Yoh Tanimoto open access link Lett. Math. Phys. Vol. 103, Issue 4 (2013), 421-437